Do you have a few minutes? That's all you need! Have a seat. Take a load off. Reset your thoughts on what's important.
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209 E. Nash Street, Southport, NC 28461
Phone Number: 910-457-6633
Sunday Morning, 9:30-10:30 AM. Sojourners/Doers Sunday Class Leaders David and Mary Nay.
Sunday Morning 10:30-11:30 AM. Pathfinder's Sunday School Class. Leaders Larry Burnett and Chap Haddon.
Prayer Ministry
Prayer Ministry Prayer is the backbone of our church. Prayer keeps us in touch with God and guides us in all facets of church life. There are many ways church members can serve Trinity with prayer. Prayer Wall: We encourage all to use the prayer wall located to the right of the altar in the sanctuary. Prayers may be hung on the wall for all to lift up in prayer. The sanctuary is open during the day for us to enjoy precious time with God in prayer for ourselves and for others as we pray the prayers on our wall. Prayer Partners: During each service on Sunday there is a church member praying for the service, staff, members, our community, country, and world. This can be done in the prayer room or from home. Prayer Warriors: Our church has an amazing prayer chain that receives prayer requests through their email. This is a powerful way to serve our Lord. Prayer Request Cards: There are cards available in the sanctuary, Murrow Hall, and our community mailbox. We are always blessed to pray! The Prayer Team invites you to join these prayer opportunities. Prayer is a powerful way to serve our church.
You can reach any prayer team member or email Cathy at
Blessings! Gary & Donna Albertson, Steve & Cathy Danford, Gordon Williams & Ann Williams, Marlou Kirby